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Curriculum Vitae 



Bocconi University, Milan, Italy (2023 - )

  • PhD Student – Legal Studies, Business and Social Law curriculum


University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland (2018 - 2019)

  • LL.M. – Corporate & Financial Law (with Distinction)

  • Supervisor: Prof. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese


Universität Passau, Passau, Germany (2016 - 2017)                                                                 

  • Erasmus student – CECIL Program (with Distinction) 


University of Trento, Trento, Italy (2014 - 2020)

  • Juris Doctor (110/110 cum laude)

  • Supervisor: Prof. Elisabetta Pederzini



  • M. Baio - P. de Gioia Carabellese, “Special Purpose Acquisition Companies: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Market’s Own Response to a More Stringent Regulation”, LUISS Law Review, 1/2021

  • M. Baio e L. Noto (a cura di), Massimario Giurisprudenziale, in Quaderni Assosim, Anno I, 1/2023 (Associazione Intermediari Mercati Finanziari - Assosim)



JETN Alumnus


Conflict Managers of Tomorrow Project – University of Trento

  • 16th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competiton – assistant coach

  • 15th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition – Team member                                               

  • International Negotiation Competition 2019 – Tokyo                                                                                    

  • Italian Negotiation Competition 2019 – Rome 



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